
パブロブラックは、東京・目黒を拠点に、「日常に調和するライフライン」をコンセプトに掲げ、 水源の管理や製造工場の運営からエンターテインメントまで、幅広い活動を展開するクリエイティブ集団です。 私たちは、ドリンクの「ビブエイド」、フードの「萬缶本舗」、そしてシナジーの「土星組合」という3つのブランドを通じて、 人々のウェルビーイングを追求し、生命維持に欠かせない水資源や食糧を、 日常生活の中で楽しみながら自然に確保できるライフスタイルを実現することを目指しています。

Pablo Black is based in Meguro, Tokyo, with the concept of "lifelines that harmonize with everyday life, We are a creative group with a wide range of activities from water source management and manufacturing plant operations to entertainment. Through our three brands, "VivAid" for drinks, "Man Can Honpo" for food, and "Satoshi Kumiai" for synergy, We pursue the wellbeing of people and the water resources and food that are essential to sustain life, We aim to realize a lifestyle in which people can enjoy and naturally secure water and food, which are essential to sustain life, in their daily lives.



The Pablo Bracq facility is the most important element of the project. It is a laboratory, a manufacturing plant, and a place to generate ideas in order to create a virtuous circle between the environment and the economy, based on a water source operated by the company.


[ADDRESS]東京都品川区上大崎2-13-29 [ACCESS]JR目黒駅東口 徒歩3分(278m) [OPEN]10:00~17:00 *完全予約制

LOUNGE is a meeting room in Shinagawa, Tokyo, used for a variety of purposes including events, seminars and rental space.
[ADDRESS] 2-13-29 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo [ACCESS] 3-minute walk (278m) from JR Meguro Station East Exit [OPEN] 10:00~17:00 (by reservation only)


[ADDRESS]東京都目黒区中町1-5-21 [ACCESS] 祐天寺駅東口 徒歩15分(900m)[OPEN]10:00~17:00 *完全予約制

FACTORY is a meeting room located in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, and is used for various purposes such as events, seminars, and rental space.
[ADDRESS] 1-5-21 Nakamachi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo [ACCESS] 15-minute walk (900m) from Yutenji Station East Exit [OPEN] 10:00~17:00 (by reservation only)


WATER SOURCEは、島根県江津市にある自社運営の水源の採水場であり、エコロジーとエコノミーの好循環を創出する研究所でもあります。
[ADDRESS]島根県江津市桜江町市山449-3 [ACCESS]江津駅 車で約25分(20km) [OPEN]10:00~17:00 *完全予約制

WATER SOURCE is a self-operated water source and extraction site located in Gotsu City, Shimane Prefecture. It also serves as a research institute that creates a virtuous cycle of ecology and economy.
[ADDRESS] 449-3 Ichiyama, Sakurae-cho, Gotsu City, Shimane Prefecture [ACCESS] Approximately 25 minutes by car from Gotsu Station (20km) [OPEN] 10:00~17:00 (by reservation only)